Research Interests
- Infrastructure for Internet-scale search engines
- Networked embedded systems
- Wireless sensor networks
- Smart Spaces and environment control
- Design automation of embedded systems
Professional Experience
- Sep 2007 - present: Google
Senior Software Engineer - Search Infrastructure.
- Aug 2008 - Jan 2014: San Francisco State University
Lecturer - Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Aug 2003 - Aug 2007: University of Wisconsin Madison
Assistant Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
| 2000 2005 University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. in Computer Science (Advisor: Professor Miodrag Potkonjak)
- Thesis: Sensor Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks
1998 1999 University of California, Los Angeles M.S. Degree in Computer Science - System Architecture
1994 1998 University of California, Los Angeles B.S. Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
Honors and Awards
- June 2005: Honorable Mention 2005 FreeScale Wireless Design Challenge, Jacob Adriaens, Seapahn Megerian, HAXOR: Home Automation and Observation Remote,
- 2002-2003: Intel Ph.D. Fellowship Recipient
- July 2001: Best Student Paper award as the primary author for the paper titled Exposure in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks presented at the 7th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom '01) in Rome, Italy.
- ENGR 844 (SFSU) - Advanced Processor Architectures - Spring 2013 (23 students)
- ENGR 851 (SFSU) - Advanced Processor Architectures - Spring 2012 (21 students)
- ENGR 851 (SFSU) - Advanced Processor Architectures - Fall 2010 (19 students)
- ENGR 844 (SFSU) - Embedded Systems - Spring 2010 (24 students)
- ENGR 851 (SFSU) - Advanced Processor Architectures - Spring 2009 (24 students)
- ENGR 844 (SFSU) - Embedded Systems - Fall 2008 - (38 students)
- ECE 554 Digital Engineering Laboratory Spring 2007 (21 students)
- ECE 537 Communication Networks Spring 2007 (22 students)
- ECE 352 Digital System Fundamentals Fall 2006 (76 students)
- ECE 537 Communication Networks Spring 2006 (25 students)
- ECE 554 Digital Engineering Laboratory Fall 2005 (21 students)
- ECE 537 Communication Networks Spring 2005 (42 students)
- ECE 902 Networked Embedded Systems Fall 2004 (18 students)
- ECE 537 Communication Networks Spring 2004 (28 students)
- ECE 554 Digital Engineering Laboratory Fall 2003 (17 students)
- ECE 399, 699, 790, 890, 990, and 999 Independent study and research students:
2006 Fall 7 2007 Spring 3
2005 Fall 4 2006 Spring 6
2004 Fall 6 2005 Spring 4
For more detailed course info, please visit the Courses page.
Past Students (Advisees)
- Yen-Ting Lin (Ph.D.) Spring 2004 to Spring 2009
- Hao Chen (Ph.D.) Fall 2005 to Summer 2007
- Jacob Adriaens (Ph.D.) Spring 2005 to Summer 2007
- Tai-Hsuan Wu (Ph.D.) Summer 2006 to Summer 2007
- Hsiang-Kuo Tang (Ph.D.) Summer 2006 to Summer 2007
- Neil Hockert MS 6/2007
- Payam Karbassi MS 12/2006
- Steven Myers MS 12/2006
- Jae Young Oh - MS 6/2005
- Chandan Parameswara - MS 12/2005
- Jacob Adriaens - MS 12/2005
For more detailed student info, please visit the Students page.
- International Workshop on Wireless Communications in Medical Applications (WCMA'07) Technical Program Committee
- Technical Program Committee, IEEE Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2007)
- 12-2006 - Hao Chen, Ph.D. Prelim Exam committee member
- Technical Program Committee, IEEE GlobeCom 2006
- Technical Program Committee, IEEE ICC 2007
- Fall 2007 - ECE MS Exam, QII, AGS, Grad Admission and Fellowship Committees
- Technical Program Committee, ICSNC06 - MHNET 2006
- Technical Program Committee, IASTED WSN Symposium 2006
- 4-2006 - Tai Lin, Ph.D. Defense committee member
- Spring 2006 - UW ECE department, MS Exam and AGS Committee
- Fall 2005 - UW ECE department, MS Exam and AGS Committee
- Spring 2005 - UW ECE department, QII and MS exam Committees
- Technical Program Committee meeting, 6-2005 - IEEE SECON, Santa Barbara, CA
- Technical Program Committee, IEEE SECON 2004 and 2005
- 4-2005 - Manish Bhardwaj Ph.D. Preliminary exam committee member.
Past Funding
- UW Graduate School Research Committee - Fall Competition (9/2006)
Networked Embedded Systems for Autonomous Long Term Monitoring, Learning, and Control PI: Seapahn Megerian Status: Funded, 1 RA at 50%.
- 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant renewed.
Status: Funded, $15,000 11/2006.
- NSF Grant (2/2005)
Reliable, Accurate, and Long-Term Environmental Monitoring using Networks of Sensors PI: Seapahn Megerian, Co PI: Robert Nowak Program: NSF 04-522, ECS - SENSOR SMALL TEAMS (SST) Status: Funded Total funding for 3 years $400,000.
- Proposal for joint work with Johnson Controls Inc. (Milwaukee, WI)
Low Cost Wireless Distributed Sensing and Actuation for Environmental Monitoring and Control PIs: Seapahn Megerian and Parmesh Ramanathan Status: Funded Fall 2005 Total 1 50% RA for 1 year. Project term: 11-2005 to 11-2006.
- 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant
Status: Funded, $15,000 11-2005.
- DARPA - STTR (4/15/2005)
Efficient Collaborative Image Processing and Flow Assignment with Field of View Coverage in ELASTIC ST051-009 - Expendable Local Area Sensors in a Tactically Interconnected Cluster Joint submission with Techfinity Corp. in Calabasas, CA Status: Funded, Phase I, 1 year, $100K Total Project kicked off in 8/2005 Completed.
- UW Graduate School Research Committee - Fall Competition (9/2004)
Reliable, Accurate, and Long-Term Environmental Monitoring using Networks of Sensors PI: Seapahn Megerian Status: Funded 1/9 Summer Salary and 1/9 Graduate Student Support (total $16K) Note: Did not use since NSF proposal was funded.